Saturday, March 13, 2010

Poor Anne's 13 Virtues

1. Moderation
- Do nothing, including eating, reading, shopping, housework, etc. to excess.

2. Reverence
- Acknowledgement of a Higher Authority, an Ultimate Creator, God, the Father!

3. Order (quoted from Benjamin Franklin)
- "Let all your things have their places. Let all your business have it's time."

4. Cleanliness (quoted from Benjamin Franklin)
- "Tolerate no uncleanness in Body, Clothes, or Habitation." I will add 'Mind' as well.

5. Frugality
- Spend on only what will benefit others or yourself. Save the rest. Share wisely.

6. Industry - The Best Solution to Poverty!
- "Lose no time. Be always employed in something useful. Cut off all unnecessary actions." ~ Benjamin Franklin

7. Honesty
- Speak the truth no matter the consequence.

8. Integrity
- Do the right thing even when no one is looking.

9. Hope
- Remember that God is really in charge.

10. Gratitude
- Remember that you have more than what you don't.

11. Chastity
- Abstinence before marriage. Fidelity after. Pure thoughts and entertainment.

12. Humility
- Imitate Jesus, Ghandhi, and Mother Teressa. (I need to study more about Socrates.)

13. Charity
- Not only do charitable works, but also become charitable.

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